Precision Greens

Precision Greens
Calgary AB
Booth: 320

Company Description:

Precision Greens was established in 1999 with the construction of a 600 square foot golf green in the backyard of a home in South Surrey. It took an entire summer to build and was the inspiration for moving forward in this industry. After 20 years, and thousands of installations, Precision Greens is the benchmark for quality Artificial Golf Greens and Lawns in Canada.

At Precision Greens, we cherish every opportunity to show our customers what we are capable of creating. We are golf enthusiasts that have valuable experience in creating fun and realistic golf environments. We are also perfectionists in that every project, whether it be a golf green or artificial grass landscape, is created to do justice to its surroundings. Precision Greens understands what high expectations accompany such large investments and spare no expense to ensure the happiness of every customer we have the privilege of working for.

Thank you to our sponsors & partners