Ti-DOX EnviroTek Ltd.
Company Description:
After a decade of research, development and testing, Reinhard Schuetz, P. Eng. and Dean Neitz formed Ti-DOX EnviroTek Ltd. (Calgary, AB) to commercialize the Ti-DOX 'HydroxylizAire' Centralized Air Purification Technology to provide "Your unrivaled source for cleaner indoor air".The featured technology destroys harmful airborne contaminants (eg: viruses, bacteria & parasites, as well as CO and other toxic chemicals), in addition to mitigating smoke & radon levels, all of which can easily pass through existing filtration devices, be dispersed via ventilation systems and typically considered instigators of sinus/allergy reactions (SAR), Sick Building Syndromes (SBS), Common Respiratory Issues (CRI) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) .
Show Specials:
During show days $250/unit discount is available. Afterward, the retail price will again return to $3,250/unit.
New Products
Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire radical air purification technology has been observed to reduce residual Radon levels in occupied home over a continuous 7 month period.
Certifications & Awards
'Canadian' and 'Unites States' Patent approvals for featured technology
Product Images: