Meet Calgary’s Only KonMari Consultant: Helen Youn
Feb 12, 2019, 14:36 PM
Have you watched Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo yet? If you’ve been inspired by the hit series, we’ve got exciting news for you: Calgary is home to its very own KonMari certified consultant, Helen Youn - and she’s presenting on the Home + Garden Stage at the upcoming Calgary Home + Garden Show, spilling her secrets on the life-changing magic of tidying up! Before she’s on the Home + Garden Stage, we asked Helen to share a few of her key tips for getting started with adopting the KonMari method and sparking joy in your home.
Oftentimes, we keep things because of sentimentality or because we’re worried we might need it again in the future. However, Helen says that the only thing that should matter when choosing what to keep is whether or not the item sparks joy for you. Make sure to hold the item in your hand, and answer that question honestly. This way, you are left with what brings you the most joy. Helen also notes that once you get used to this process, you soon find yourself using this practice in your everyday life - helping you live more joyfully!
Although it’s common to think of tidying up as a once-a-year process (hello, spring cleaning!) Helen emphasizes that KonMari is a once-in-a-lifetime process that will completely change your mindset and lifestyle. There is so much more to KonMari than simply decluttering old clothes and items which have been gathering dust. You have to first think about what kind of life would bring you the most joy and define your ideal lifestyle. What would you do with your time if organizing is no longer a concern?
Instead of decluttering by room, the KonMari method instead sorts all belongings into 5 different categories: Clothing, Books, Paper, Komono (all miscellaneous items grouped into smaller categories) and Sentimental items. Start by gathering everything from the same category. When you work by category, you can only move onto the next after you have finished the last one. Helen says that this is a great way for you to notice just how much you have, as people usually underestimate how much they have until they see all of it together. It also keeps you organized as it gives you a path to follow and creates order in your decluttering process.
Oftentimes, we keep things because of sentimentality or because we’re worried we might need it again in the future. However, Helen says that the only thing that should matter when choosing what to keep is whether or not the item sparks joy for you. Make sure to hold the item in your hand, and answer that question honestly. This way, you are left with what brings you the most joy. Helen also notes that once you get used to this process, you soon find yourself using this practice in your everyday life - helping you live more joyfully!
Although it’s common to think of tidying up as a once-a-year process (hello, spring cleaning!) Helen emphasizes that KonMari is a once-in-a-lifetime process that will completely change your mindset and lifestyle. There is so much more to KonMari than simply decluttering old clothes and items which have been gathering dust. You have to first think about what kind of life would bring you the most joy and define your ideal lifestyle. What would you do with your time if organizing is no longer a concern?
Instead of decluttering by room, the KonMari method instead sorts all belongings into 5 different categories: Clothing, Books, Paper, Komono (all miscellaneous items grouped into smaller categories) and Sentimental items. Start by gathering everything from the same category. When you work by category, you can only move onto the next after you have finished the last one. Helen says that this is a great way for you to notice just how much you have, as people usually underestimate how much they have until they see all of it together. It also keeps you organized as it gives you a path to follow and creates order in your decluttering process.
FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 3, 2019.